Linux Based Server

"H3" Header text

Left colum of 2-column page (floatedDiv50_filled)

"H3Blue" Header text

Right colum of 2-column page (floatedDiv50)

Left column of a 3-column page (with border)

"H3Red" Header Text

<--- (text_02L - left aligned)

<--- (text_02C - center aligned) --->

(text_02R - right aligned) -->

Left column of a 3-column page (with border)

(text_02J - should be justified and should space evenly across division evenly)

Middle column of a 3-column page






Right column of a 3-column page (no border)

"text_02J" - should be justified and spaced evenly across entire column.

Image Block


This is an example of a unbordered generic container outside of any floated container - in paragraph format. This is an example of a unbordered generic container outside of any floated container - in paragraph format. This is an example of a unbordered generic container outside of any floated container - in paragraph format. This is an example of a unbordered generic container outside of any floated container - in paragraph format. This is an example of a unbordered generic container outside of any floated container - in paragraph format.

1 of four columns
1 of four columns
1 of four columns
1 of four columns



Bootstrap, .col-6 examples, theme = grid-col

.col-6 example, themed-grid-col
.col-6 example, themed-grid-col

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